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Success Story

Dimitar Ivanov, 29 years, Skopje (Macedonia), First officer on A320 at Wizz Air

In flight school Janez let I got knowledge and flying experience which have later helped me to got a job. All have been nice, kind and hospitable and it was an honor to work with the whole team. But I would like to express special thanks to instructor Matej Cerar, for all his experience, professionalism and knowledge he gave me. I would like to say thanks to whole Janez let team.

Šola letenja

Janez let je slovenska letalska šolska organizacija št. SLO/ATO/015, ki šola pilote po mednarodnih evropskih standardih. Vsi naši šolski programi so potrjeni in nadzorovani s strani Javne agencije za civilno letalstvo Republike Slovenije. Licence, ki jih dobijo piloti po končanem šolanju pa so priznane iz strani vseh evropskih držav.

  • 22. Avg. 2014

    Success Story:

    Nikolay Legomanov, 26 years, Sofia (Bulgaria), Commercial pilot flying for Aerial work company

    I heard about Janez let, from a colleague two years ago, when I was wondering where to continue my training after gaining th...  več
  • 11. Feb. 2014

    Success Story

    Dimitar Ivanov, 29 years, Skopje (Macedonia), First officer on A320 at Wizz Air

    In flight school Janez let I got knowledge and flying experience which have later helped me to got a job. All have been nice, kind and hosp...  več