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Mnenja tečajnikov

Nikolay Legomanov, 26 years, Sofia (Bulgaria), Commercial pilot flying for Aerial work company

I heard about Janez let, from a colleague two years ago, when I was wondering where to continue my training after gaining the PPL(A) license in my home country Bulgaria. At that time the prices in my country were quite high and unfortunately not justifying the quality of the training, which was the reason I was looking for something better and at more affordable rates. In this direction I decided to try the school with some hour building flights first and then to take the final decision, if I am going to undertake the rest of the training in Slovenia or not. To be honest , I must tell you that it turned out this was the best decision I have ever taken in relation to my education and self investment… From the first day I have arrived at the home airport of the company, Divaca, with other two Bulgarian pilot students, I got the feeling that I want to perform the rest of my training here. Everything was well organized, well technically developed and the flight instructors, as also the whole staff was quite friendly and helpful. Now, after I have finished my CPL/ IR training I can say that I got even more than I expected. As I said, not only the prices were good, but also the international training environment helped me to progress and develop my personal skills in a way that I wouldn’t achieve in my home country. Furthermore, during my training, which was performed in Slovenia and the surrounding regional countries, I also got the chance to take part in an actual commercial flights as part of the team, so to get the real feeling of the upcoming job as a professional pilot. This turned out was a priceless experience for a student pilot... As far as the flight teaching is concerned I would like to express my gratitude to the management of the organisation from one side and to the entire team of international instructors from other side, for their extraordinary and outstanding efforts to train me. Thanks to them I got the complete, perfect start-up CPL(A) knowledge for the upcoming single pilot and multi pilot aeroplane operations, necessary for the real working environment. In conclusion, I would also like to mention that Slovenia and especially the capital Ljubljana, is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been and I am proud of it of course. The offered assistance for accommodation, the organized transport from Ljubljana to the airport, and the constant support from the company staff to reduce my overall costs, made me feel really good and happy about being at Janez let .

Dimitar Ivanov, 29 years, Skopje (Macedonia), First officer on A320 at Wizz Air

In flight school Janez let I got knowledge and flying experience which have later helped me to got a job. All have been nice, kind and hospitable and it was an honor to work with the whole team. But I would like to express special thanks to instructor Matej Cerar, for all his experience, professionalism and knowledge he gave me. I would like to say thanks to whole Janez let team.

Šola letenja

Janez let je slovenska letalska šolska organizacija št. SLO/ATO/015, ki šola pilote po mednarodnih evropskih standardih. Vsi naši šolski programi so potrjeni in nadzorovani s strani Javne agencije za civilno letalstvo Republike Slovenije. Licence, ki jih dobijo piloti po končanem šolanju pa so priznane iz strani vseh evropskih držav.

  • 22. Avg. 2014

    Success Story:

    Nikolay Legomanov, 26 years, Sofia (Bulgaria), Commercial pilot flying for Aerial work company

    I heard about Janez let, from a colleague two years ago, when I was wondering where to continue my training after gaining th...  več
  • 11. Feb. 2014

    Success Story

    Dimitar Ivanov, 29 years, Skopje (Macedonia), First officer on A320 at Wizz Air

    In flight school Janez let I got knowledge and flying experience which have later helped me to got a job. All have been nice, kind and hosp...  več